Monday, April 21, 2014

Jelly babies

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The actual question:

When you eat jelly babies, snakes, chicko's or other similar food stuffs, how do you eat them?

And the punters said

Current!!  Go vote

My thoughts

Plus, you lot are too soft on lollies.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Good Friday Food Stuffs

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The actual question:

When I was a kiddie growing up, we always, but always, ate fish on Good Friday.

This is undoubtedly a relic of medieval times, when meat was expensive, and thus the Lenten "fasting" involved giving it up. It is probably moot nowadays, when fish is usually more expensive than "meat".

My brother made a point of eating a steak on Good Friday to mock said family tradition. And I was deeply shocked when, at uni, I went on a Christian camp (yes, I did), and they had a BBQ on Good Friday. Very confronting and all that.

So.. Good Fridays, whatcha eat?

And the punters said:

My thoughts:

Once upon a time, I used to fast from sundown Easter Thursday to after church Easter Sunday.  That solved all this.  Now, being a vegetarian does.  Not sure if lashings of butter on hot cross buns is GREAT though.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seven serves a day

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The actual question

Apparently, we should now be eating more than the 5 veggies and 2 fruits a day. More like 10 veggies.

So, given that, did you eat your quota yesterday? The initial one, 5/2

And the punters said

My thoughts

Um....  Given I am a vegetarian, this should be easy

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Your special Western Australia Politically Motivated Survey

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The actual question:

Background for those not in Australia: During the federal election last September, the WA election commission managed to lose about 1500 votes for the senate. Thus, this weekend, the entire state has to go back to the polls

Now, yesterday,they did a pre-election one at a retirement home.

But due to the box not being secure, those votes are now invalid also, so they have to do it again.

What is the correct response to this?

And the punters said:

My thoughts:


Monday, March 31, 2014

Cans of Soft Drink

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The actual question

I have a friend, who is admittedly a bit of a princess, who will NEVER EVER EVER drink a can of soft drink from the can. He will pour said soft drink into a glass, or, in times of desperation, use a straw.

Now, I admit, I always thought this ridiculously prissy, until, one time, I was in a corner store,and saw a dead FLY on top of the cans waiting to go into the fridge.


And then I thought back to my fridge stacking days, and no one ever wipes off the top of those cans before stacking them. They're probably covered in dust and who knows what.

So, given that....

Do you drink soft drink straight from the can?

And the punters said

My thoughts

Now I'm thirsty.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Workplace CRIMES

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The actual question:

In workplaces all around the world there are CRIMES being committed.

Not crimes in the legal sense of the word, but crimes against their workmates.

Things not likely to get them the sack, but things that might get them murdered if anyone finds out it is THEM

So.... which is the worst workplace CRIME?

And the punters said:

My thoughts:

I still think the evil tuna eaters win this.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Toilet paper. Yes, that's right. Toilet paper.

Click here to take survey

The actual question:

This survey is inspired by my daughter...

How many squares of toilet paper do you need to leave on a roll for it to count as "I left you toilet paper"?

And the punters said:

My thoughts:

I expressed the collective thoughts to the child.  It's made no difference to her belief that 2 pieces is enough to leave.